Welp. You're trash, just like us! Welcome Queen!


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Thank you, friends!
I can’t express enough the joy Mattie and Poodle have brought me this year! The hours laughter and joy have been SOOO needed for all of us, but especially for this teacher! Their Southern Stories, chandelier screams, random obscure musical singalongs, and occasional recaps have kept my spirits up during so many deep, dark moments this school year. These wonderful hosts will become your friends after just a few listens, and I think we ALL need our friends right now. Keep going, Queens! Love you both!

Keep going, QUEENS!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Keep Going Queens!
One of the funniest podcast! My co-workers thought I was choking and about to pass out. But I was using my hair to hide the fact I had an AirPod in. They had me laughing so hard I got caught😂

Keep going Queens!!!
Love this podcast!

Best way to start my day!
I found this podcast looking for recaps of my fave...Southern Charm and have not looked back since. I start every morning listening to Matt and Poodle and leave for work laughing every day! “Who’s Tracy??” has become a staple in my vocabulary! I’m a Summer House lover and live for the recaps, even if they are scathing this season (well deserved). Love, love, love this podcast!

So funny
I love this podcast! I feel like I’m spending time with friends every episode. And I actually laugh out loud. Matt and Poodle are the best!!

I found these queens on 3/1/21. I have listened to almost 200 episodes in 5 weeks. Calculation = over 5 hours/day! Oh currrrrrrrrrrr??? Can anyone help a b*tch to figure out how to get on that Gaytreon? Carrrrllllll???? I can’t find my gays... I’m having worse withdrawals than a Poodle with no vodka and no daddy.

These queens have got me sucked in since the Sweet T! era... and now I’m watching a pig show just for the laughs these two queens give. What vortex have I gotten myself in to?! Love them, love the Sissy Squad (we have fun in there) and I love what they stand for! Keep going queens!!

Who’s Tracy!?
Not only do y’all do hilarious Summer House recaps (I’m only here for those... sad you’re not enjoying this season), but I was very touched you are donating proceeds for this month to an organization to stop Asian hate crimes. It means so much that podcasts and voices like yours talk about these issues when it’s rarely discussed - and I so appreciate you bringing up the treatment of Asian actors as well. I had to stop the podcast to write this review when I heard. Thank you!

Come at me
Y’all, come at me if you like a good time! This podcast is amazing if you watch reality tv. I can’t wait until Life after lockup comes on so I can listen all day!!! Please give a shout-out to maryland! We love you guys! 😚

Keep going queens!
I don’t even watch reality TV but I love these queens! They have very thoughtful discussions about character motivation and behavior...with a lot of silliness and singing. “Who gives a shirt?!”

Love them!
Keep going Queens!

This podcast is the only reason I watch summer house.

Great podcast that needs a good time stamp
Matt and Poodle offer wonderful deep dives into the psyches of our favorite reality TV characters. They say some really insightful stuff, create characters, and delight their audiences with musical interludes. Please start time stamping your episodes at least between announcements and couples!! Love your content but would love it even more if I could skip announcements without missing couples from time to time ♥️

The best
I came for the reality recaps, I stayed for the characters they’ve made up along the way 😂

Poodle—please never stop doing the Bayou Accent! I don’t know which I love more: your accent or Mattie’s reaction. 🤣🤣🤣👑

True Royalty
These queens deserve a crown because they’re the kind of monarchs we deserve. In Reality Gays we trust.